Quantum information describes the new field which bridges quantum physics and information science. The quantum world allows for completely new architectures and protocols. While originally formulated in continuous quantum variables, the field worked almost exclusively with discrete variables, such as single photons and photon pairs. The renaissance of continuous variables came with European research consortia such as ACQUIRE (Advanced Coherent Quantum Information Research) in the late 1990s, and QUICOV (Quantum Information with Continuous Variables) from 2000-2003. The encouraging research...
Quantum information describes the new field which bridges quantum physics and information science. The quantum world allows for completely new archite...
Quantum information describes the new field which bridges quantum physics and information science. The quantum world allows for completely new architectures and protocols. While originally formulated in continuous quantum variables, the field worked almost exclusively with discrete variables, such as single photons and photon pairs. The renaissance of continuous variables came with European research consortia such as ACQUIRE (Advanced Coherent Quantum Information Research) in the late 1990s, and QUICOV (Quantum Information with Continuous Variables) from 2000-2003. The encouraging research...
Quantum information describes the new field which bridges quantum physics and information science. The quantum world allows for completely new archite...
Keine wissenschaftliche Theorie ist auf solche Faszination auch ausserhalb der Wissenschaft gestossen wie die Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie von Albert Einstein, und keine wurde so nachdrucklich mit den Mitteln der modernen Physik uberpruft. Wie hat sie diesen Test mit Raumsonden, Radioastronomie, Atomuhren und Supercomputern standgehalten? Hatte Einstein recht? Mit der Autoritat des Fachmanns und dem Flair des unvoreingenommenen Erzahlers schildert Clifford Will die Menschen, Ideen und Maschinen hinter den Tests der allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie. Ohne Formeln und Fachjargon wird der leser...
Keine wissenschaftliche Theorie ist auf solche Faszination auch ausserhalb der Wissenschaft gestossen wie die Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie von Alber...