Covering the third year of the Martian War, 2233: Reap The Whirlwind follows Ken Barron, Karen McMaster, Charlie Peters and their comrades through more adventure, romance, and combat. Beginning with a stop at Pion Rock, one of the most horrible and sensationalized places in the solar system, the omnibus moves on to three books that cover some of the most significant engagements of the Martian War: the battle for the base at the Forge, the assault on Mercury, and the Fleet Clash. With Ken Barron narrating in his usual caustic style, this volume brings readers to the end of hostilities with...
Covering the third year of the Martian War, 2233: Reap The Whirlwind follows Ken Barron, Karen McMaster, Charlie Peters and their comrades through mor...
War with Germany has been declared, but at the dawn of 1942, Britain seems reluctant to strike first. Despite great superiority in both arms and technology, Churchill searches for answers instead of revenge, leaving two worlds to anxiously await a clash of empires unlike anything seen in human history... a clash which Alex, Stephanie, and Strong will miss. While Sass, George Devlin, and the Hospitality Department investigate the attacks of 1941, and Elspeth Cornish searches for Duncan's lost children, the whitecoat and her friends are confined to a Jimmystown classroom, supposedly out of...
War with Germany has been declared, but at the dawn of 1942, Britain seems reluctant to strike first. Despite great superiority in both arms and techn...
Does this question engage you or take you out of your comfort zone? Does it put you on the spot? REFLECTIONS is award-winning author and former educator John Fioravanti's answer.
Offering his interpretations of fifty quotations by contemporary and ancient thinkers alike, John dives deep below the surface of words and explores the deeper meanings that shape his view of the world.
Deeply personal and presented in a self-effacing manner, these self-aware reflections will encourage you to dig deep within yourself and to discover more about the underlying...
What do YOU think?
Does this question engage you or take you out of your comfort zone? Does it put you on the spot? REFLECTIONS is award-win...