Driven by rapidly changing business environments and increasingly demanding consumers, many organizations are searching for new ways to achieve and retain a competitive advantage via customer intimacy and CRM. In this context, new strategic frameworks and cooperation with everybody along the whole value chain are needed to allow managers to deal with the changes in shopping patterns of consumers. This book presents a new strategic framework that has been tested successfully with various global companies. New management concepts such as Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment, CRM,...
Driven by rapidly changing business environments and increasingly demanding consumers, many organizations are searching for new ways to achieve and...
The United States will confront a series of fundamental challenges through the middle of the twenty-first century. Using a theory of economic systems to gauge present and future global conflicts, Steven Rosefielde and D. Quinn Mills see the challenges as posed sequentially by terrorism, Russia, China, and the European Union. In the cases of terrorism, Russia, and China, Western leaders appreciate aspects of these perils, but they are crafting unduly soft policies to deal with the challenges. The authors believe that 'globalists' notwithstanding, such views are myopic in an era where nuclear...
The United States will confront a series of fundamental challenges through the middle of the twenty-first century. Using a theory of economic systems ...
Vorwort zur zweiten deutschsprachigen Auf/age Was Mitte der achtziger Jahre schon deutlich wurde, ist heute erst recht augenfallig. Das Tempo, mit dem sich das wirtschaftliche Geschehen wandelt, wird immer schneller. 1m Jahre 1989 haben die europaischen Untemehmen begonnen, die Herausforderungen anzunehmen, die ihnen der geplante europaische Binnenmarkt, das neue Verhaltnis zur Sowjetunion, ein schwacher Dollar und der technologische Fortschritt stellen. In diesem herausfordemden Umfeld sind die Themen meines Buches noch brisanter geworden. Denn folgende Faktoren sind nicht zu iibersehen:...
Vorwort zur zweiten deutschsprachigen Auf/age Was Mitte der achtziger Jahre schon deutlich wurde, ist heute erst recht augenfallig. Das Tempo, mit dem...