Don Miguel tells readers that they are born in truth but grow up believing in lies - mainly about themselves. As a child one listens to the "voice of our integrity," which is rooted in truth. Once one learns to speak, he or she mainly hears the louder "voice of knowledge," which is rooted in lies and causes endless suffering. By following the guiding principles presented in this book, readers can reclaim their authentic self, just as it was before they learned to speak.
Don Miguel tells readers that they are born in truth but grow up believing in lies - mainly about themselves. As a child one listens to the "voice of ...
La presente investigacion muestra los resultados de un estudio de factibilidad para la creacion de una empresa productora y comercializadora de vino de frutas, en el proceso se analizan diferentes variables desde el punto de vista de mercadeo, ingenieria del proyecto, financieras, organizacionales y ambientales, es importante destacar la idea del proyecto surge de un proceso netamente artesanal al que se aplica un serie de tecnicas para probar su viabilidad. Una vez estudiadas cada una de la variables se observa el diseno del producto y su respectivo estudio de mercado, la industrializacion...
La presente investigacion muestra los resultados de un estudio de factibilidad para la creacion de una empresa productora y comercializadora de vino d...