""Life Is But A Dream"" is an intriguing compilation of insights learned during one man's life as he rowed down his stream on his first 50 years of his journey. Each of these seven short stories is filled with compelling observations on the definition of ones' individual reality. They are present in different, interesting, and entertaining plots and are woven around unique perspectives of what your reality is or might be.
""Life Is But A Dream"" will leave you questioning, "Is mine, the only real reality? Do I create my own reality, the way I live, when I go to heaven, even the people in...
""Life Is But A Dream"" is an intriguing compilation of insights learned during one man's life as he rowed down his stream on his first 50 years of hi...
"Gratuitous Serendipity" is an intriguing compilation of actual accounts of events in one man's life that both changed his life and changed the world (just a little). "Gratuitous Serendipity" will leave you wondering, just how much each of us play in the role of creating and influencing history. Some stories just take a different look at the world around us, and how information can be put together in a slightly way. Often, just by looking at something different, the same data can produce significantly results. "Gratuitous Serendipity" is about being in the right place at the right time, and...
"Gratuitous Serendipity" is an intriguing compilation of actual accounts of events in one man's life that both changed his life and changed the world ...