"The Korean War and Me" is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and includes his growing up in the South.
As an ROTC lieutenant, Ted's assignments included searching for missing-in-actions and commanding the United Nations Military Cemetery in Korea. These assignments provided a variety of extraordinary experiences and encounters with extremely interesting individuals.
Embedded in the story are scenes from the author's childhood, high school days, and college. He also shares his opinions on matters such as...
"The Korean War and Me" is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and in...
"The Korean War and Me" is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and includes his growing up in the South.
As an ROTC lieutenant, Ted's assignments included searching for missing-in-actions and commanding the United Nations Military Cemetery in Korea. These assignments provided a variety of extraordinary experiences and encounters with extremely interesting individuals.
Embedded in the story are scenes from the author's childhood, high school days, and college. He also shares his opinions on matters such as...
"The Korean War and Me" is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and in...