Tbis book is basicaUy concemed with approaches for improving safety in man-made systems. We caU these approaches, coUectively, fault monitoring, since they are concemed primarily with detecting faults occurring in the components of such systems, being sensors, actuators, controUed plants or entire strucutures. The common feature of these approaches is the intention to detect an abrupt change in some characteristic property of the considered object, by monitoring the behavior of the system. This change may be a slow-evolving effect or a complete breakdoWD. In tbis sense, fault monitoring...
Tbis book is basicaUy concemed with approaches for improving safety in man-made systems. We caU these approaches, coUectively, fault monitoring, since...
This book presents a detailed and up-to-date exposition of fault monitoring methods in industrial processes and structures. The following approaches are explained in considerable detail: Model-based methods (simple tests, analytical redundancy, parameter estimation); knowledge-based methods; artificial neural network methods; and nondestructive testing, etc. Each approach is complemented by specific case studies from various industrial sectors (aerospace, chemical, nuclear, etc.), thus bridging theory and practice. This volume will be a valuable tool in the hands of professional and academic...
This book presents a detailed and up-to-date exposition of fault monitoring methods in industrial processes and structures. The following approaches a...