The 2012 congressional elections played an equally vital role in determining the future course of America as the presidential race that topped the electoral ticket. Readers of this book will gain insights about the formative aspects of the 2012 campaign season as well as in depth coverage of key races for Congress. Exclusive to this volume are three chapters that look at important processes which impacted the campaign cycle: voter suppression laws passed in nearly every state, the role of Super PACs and independent expenditures in the wake of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, and...
The 2012 congressional elections played an equally vital role in determining the future course of America as the presidential race that topped the ele...
This book provides sensible analysis of overarching themes (performance of the 113th Congress, voting laws, campaign finance, and use of social media) from the 2014 campaign cycle, as well as case studies of important congressional races. Collectively, the concepts and cases give a compelling narrative explanation of America's electoral process and the keys to winning vital elections.
This book provides sensible analysis of overarching themes (performance of the 113th Congress, voting laws, campaign finance, and use of social media)...
In this edited volume, an array of scholars has examined recent policymaking efforts in selected areas of contemporary importance. Government at Work: Policymaking in the Twenty-First Century Congress provides chapter-length treatment to reveal the similarities and fundamentals of policy development while also illustrating the unique issues and obstacles found in each policy environment. This book s scope spans the entire policymaking process, exposing the readers to the interaction among all major power centers, ranging from interest groups, media, courts, Congress, the president, and the...
In this edited volume, an array of scholars has examined recent policymaking efforts in selected areas of contemporary importance. Government at Work:...