"Wilhelm's War" is a World War II novel based on the experiences of its author, who, in December, 1944, fought in the so-called "Battle of the Bulge."
Corporal Jimmy Wilhelm, a boy of nineteen and proud of his German descent, hopes, in his nerdy, peace-loving way, to avoid injuring, least of all killing, a cousin or an uncle in the war. Shooting a fleeing German prisoner, he solves that dilemma on his first day at the front.
Combat and capture come just a few days later, followed by frozen feet, a starving belly and a boxcar ride across Germany to Stalag IIIB. Later, when the Russians...
"Wilhelm's War" is a World War II novel based on the experiences of its author, who, in December, 1944, fought in the so-called "Battle of the Bulge."...