"'Oh How adorable I didn't know you had a cat ' she exclaimed.I am always surprised how many people make this observation. Why should His Holiness not have a cat?'If only she could speak, ' continued the actress. 'I'm sure she'd have such wisdom to share.'And so the seed was planted . . . I began to think that perhaps the time had come for me to write a book of my own--a book that would convey some of the wisdom I've learned sitting not at the feet of the Dalai Lama but even closer, on his lap. A book that would tell my own tale . . ....
"'Oh How adorable I didn't know you had a cat ' she exclaimed.I am always surprised how many people make this observation. Why should ...
What makes you purr? Of all the questions in the world, this is the most important. It is also the great leveler. Because no matter whether you are a playful kitten or a sedentary senior, a scrawny alley Tom or a sleek-coated uptown girl, whatever your circumstances, you just want to be happy. Not the kind of happy that comes and goes like a can of flaked tuna but an enduring happiness. The deep-down happiness that makes you purr from the heart. Before leaving for a teaching tour to America, the Dalai Lama poses a challenge to his beloved feline, HHC (His Holiness's Cat): to...
What makes you purr? Of all the questions in the world, this is the most important. It is also the great leveler. Because no matter whether ...
In this simple and accessible but beautifully written book, David Michie opens the door to the core teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, and shows us how he himself first began incorporating Buddhist practices into his daily life.
What does it take to be happy? We've all asked ourselves this question at some point, but few of us have found the path to lasting fulfillment. David Michie thought he had achieved his life's goals--the high-level job, the expensive city apartment, the luxury car, the great vacations--but a small voice was telling him he wasn't really happy. A chance remark...
In this simple and accessible but beautifully written book, David Michie opens the door to the core teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, and shows us how...
'Wouldn't it be wonderful if newspapers did more to share stories and insights that were really meaningful? Things that might help people lead more purposeful lives.' The Queen glanced over at him, uncertainly. 'Tricky business, persuading the media to lift their sights from terror and trivia. Every one of us has tried.' Pushing myself up so that I was balancing on my rear end, I fixed Kate with a pleading expression. She was a soft touch when it came to scones. There was a pause while the family glanced in my direction. Before Kate said, 'Well, not every family member.'
'Wouldn't it be wonderful if newspapers did more to share stories and insights that were really meaningful? Things that might help people lead m...