EXTREME SIX SIGMA: A new series that takes Six Sigma to the next level
The Six Sigma Operational Methods Series goes beyond simply explaining Six Sigma basics to interested managers--these are hard-core working tools of statistical methods, quantitative and intense, aimed at mathematically sophisticated Six Sigma practitioners unwilling to settle for anything less than peak performance in manufacturing and services.
Written by four instructors from the world-renowned Motorola University, this handbook provides the tools Six Sigma Black Belts and Master Black Belts need...
EXTREME SIX SIGMA: A new series that takes Six Sigma to the next level
The Six Sigma Operational Methods Series goes beyond simpl...
Most business process improvement activities do not yield the P&L dollar savings impact that executives expect to see. If this is a challenge in your organization, you need "Six Sigma Financial Tracking and Reporting." This operating manual shows Master Black Belts, Black Belts, Project Champions, Sponsors, and Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing/Enterprise practitioners how to increase the yield of savings dollars that hit the bottom line. This is a major challenge for any improvement initiative.
Loaded with advanced yet practical approaches,...
Move Six Sigma Savings to Your Bottom Line
Most business process improvement activities do not yield the P&L dollar savings impact that executives ...
Radio telescopes as well as communication antennas operate under the influence of gravity, temperature and wind. Among those, temperature influences may degrade the performance of a radio telescope through transient changes of the focus, pointing, path length and sensitivity, often in an unpredictable way. Thermal Design and Thermal Behaviour of Radio Telescopes and their Enclosures reviews the design and construction principles of radio telescopes in view of thermal aspects and heat transfer with the variable thermal environment; it explains supporting thermal model calculations and the...
Radio telescopes as well as communication antennas operate under the influence of gravity, temperature and wind. Among those, temperature influence...
Radio telescopes as well as communication antennas operate under the influence of gravity, temperature and wind. Among those, temperature influences may degrade the performance of a radio telescope through transient changes of the focus, pointing, path length and sensitivity, often in an unpredictable way. Thermal Design and Thermal Behaviour of Radio Telescopes and their Enclosures reviews the design and construction principles of radio telescopes in view of thermal aspects and heat transfer with the variable thermal environment; it explains supporting thermal model calculations and the...
Radio telescopes as well as communication antennas operate under the influence of gravity, temperature and wind. Among those, temperature influence...
Facharbeit (Schule) aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Politik - Politische Systeme - Politisches System Deutschlands, Note: 1,0, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Finanzkrise 2007. Sie kostete den Staat Milliarden, den Banken Milliarden und den Anlegern Milliarden. Sie erschutterte die Finanzsystematik unserer Welt so stark, dass selbst die Realwirtschaft1 mit in den Strudel gezogen wurde und doch ist bis heute der Hintergrund dieser Krise nicht ganzlich geklart. Susanne Schmidt spricht vom "Moral Hazard" als Wurzel allen Ubels - Hans-Werner Sinn hingegen von der Schuld des explodierenden...
Facharbeit (Schule) aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Politik - Politische Systeme - Politisches System Deutschlands, Note: 1,0, Sprache: Deutsch, Abst...