The idea of the symposium came during the XVllth General Assembly of the IAU at Montreal. The Working Group on Be stars adopted both the proposal of holding a meeting, and of having it at the Universitats- sternwarte Munich. The meeting was organized under the auspices of IAU Comm. 29 (Stel- lar Spectra) and the sponsorship of Comm. 45 (Stellar Classification). The Scientific Organizing Committee was composed of Mercedes Jaschek (chairman), W. Bonsack, C. de Loore, A. Feinstein, H. G. Groth, P. Harmanec, L. Houziaux, A. M. Hubert-De1p1ace, L. S. Luud, A. Slettebak and A. Underhill. The...
The idea of the symposium came during the XVllth General Assembly of the IAU at Montreal. The Working Group on Be stars adopted both the proposal of h...