This volume addresses the manifold conjunctures, interactions, and disjunctures that occur at various levels of what has come to be defined under the buzzword, "globalization." While this term has the merit of bringing more fluency to the concept of capitalist dynamics, it simultaneously points to a crisis of representation both in political and epistemological terms. These contributions from the social sciences and humanities assess some of the manifold aspects of the globalization crisis.
This volume addresses the manifold conjunctures, interactions, and disjunctures that occur at various levels of what has come to be defined under the ...
Genres of Modernity maps the conjunctures of critical theory and literary production in contemporary India. The volume situates a sample of representative novels in the discursive environment of the ongoing critical debate on modernity in India, and offers for the first time a rigorous attempt to hold together the stimulating impulses of postcolonial theory, subaltern studies and the boom of Indian fiction in English. In opposition to the entrenched narrative of modernity as a single, universally valid formation originating in the West, the theoretical and literary texts under discussion...
Genres of Modernity maps the conjunctures of critical theory and literary production in contemporary India. The volume situates a sample of representa...
While the world seems to be getting ever smaller and globalization has become the ubiquitous buzz-word, regionalism and fragmentation also abound. This might be due to the fact that, far from being the alleged production of cultural homogeneity, the global is constantly re-defined and altered through the local. This tension, pervading much of contemporary culture, has an obvious special relevance for the new varieties of English and the literature published in English world-wide. Postcolonial literatures exist at the interface of English as a hegemonic medium and its many national, regional...
While the world seems to be getting ever smaller and globalization has become the ubiquitous buzz-word, regionalism and fragmentation also abound. Thi...
Die Untersuchung bestimmt diejenigen Schreibhaltungen, Topoi und asthetischen Strategien, die in der Literatur des deutschsprachigen Exils in Grossbritannien zwischen 1933 und 1945 dominant waren. Sie konzentriert sich auf ein bislang nicht systematisch bearbeitetes Phanomen, namlich die Hochkonjunktur einer sakralisierenden Metaphorik, die sich bis in die narrative Struktur der Texte fortschreibt. Der Verfasser diskutiert die historische Bedingtheit und Funktionalitat dieser Strategie und verdeutlicht ihre jeweils spezifische Ausformung am individuellen Text."
Die Untersuchung bestimmt diejenigen Schreibhaltungen, Topoi und asthetischen Strategien, die in der Literatur des deutschsprachigen Exils in Grossbri...