In St. Jude's Gospel, SK Marinangel is a Fortune 500 CEO but wants to be a mother. She goes to an executive search firm for help finding a husband. Bill Motley, is a surgically sterile, forty-something burn-out. Reprising his role in Goddess Patrol, Bill's only aspiration in life is to become President of the United States. He became depressed every four years because he wasn't running.. A chance meeting between SK and Bill creates a compelling story of underdogs, infertility, wasted lives, impossible cases, mayhem, miracle, unlikely romance and faith's emergence from cynical, bitter...
In St. Jude's Gospel, SK Marinangel is a Fortune 500 CEO but wants to be a mother. She goes to an executive search firm for help finding a husband. Bi...
City of Blight is a sort of Sopranos meets House of Cards on a local city level, with a great love story thrown in. There is political intrigue, conspiracy, psychological complexity, and a story of lifelong-though mostly unrequited-love. Buffalo is a character in this story told from the point of view of Paul Cappellano who comes back to his two loves after forty years: Buffalo, the Queen City, and Nancy Paradise, former City Queen (Miss Buffalo), and finds himself framed for the murder of one by the corrupt leaders of the other. His cause is taken up by a larger than life lawyer known as...
City of Blight is a sort of Sopranos meets House of Cards on a local city level, with a great love story thrown in. There is political intrigue, consp...