Jagger is a sex columnist who lives in Hermosa Beach where he rules with an iron fist. He ventures out in the field going on one tormenting date after another then writes about it in a successful column for a beach magazine. He's surrounded by his colorful friends: the preppy Troy, the studious Russell and the sex loving-relationship hating Slade. Jagger swears he's through with love, but can't stop crushing on Garth, the local Aussie lifeguard with the dreamy looks and sensitive aura. The story follows Jagger on his uncomfortable dating excursions to the sexually love charged climax with the...
Jagger is a sex columnist who lives in Hermosa Beach where he rules with an iron fist. He ventures out in the field going on one tormenting date after...
"Dude 101" features Jagger, a dating columnist who takes young adults through a series of practical essays devoted to finding love in a universe that defies this notion. Author, Kevin Hunter, takes a backseat allowing his alter ego Jagger to run the show. "Dude 101" involves random musings on dating and relationships along with a peek into Jagger's love romance with Garth through scene vignettes. Jagger is the main protagonist in the book, "Jagger's Revolution," a tale that surfaces around a heated erotic crush between a sex relationship writer and an Australian lifeguard.
"Dude 101" features Jagger, a dating columnist who takes young adults through a series of practical essays devoted to finding love in a universe that ...
It's a dark windy night and the rain pelts down hard on a Louisiana highway. Headlights appear out of a racing car. Lightning flashes across the sky revealing an ethereal shape for a split second followed by startling thunder. Inside the car is Ruston Bock who grasps the steering wheel tight and leans into the window. The rain cascades against the windshield like a giant shower curtain preventing him from seeing out of it. He squints trying to make out the road ahead. What lies in front of him is the deranged and eccentric Granger family holding a wealth of disturbing secrets. Drama, action,...
It's a dark windy night and the rain pelts down hard on a Louisiana highway. Headlights appear out of a racing car. Lightning flashes across the sky r...
Reaching for the Warrior Within is the author's personal story recounting a volatile childhood. This led him to a path of addictions, anxiety and overindulgence in alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and destructive relationships. As a survival mechanism he split into many different selves. He credits turning his life around, not by therapy, but by simultaneously paying attention to the messages he has been receiving from his Spirit team in Heaven since birth. He explains how he was able to tell the difference between when his higher self was intervening and ruling the show, and when his lower...
Reaching for the Warrior Within is the author's personal story recounting a volatile childhood. This led him to a path of addictions, anxiety a...
There are legions of benevolent Archangels in Heaven residing in other dimensions. They act as God's arms to assist humanity one person at a time in achieving peace in their life. They know that when you are in a place of serenity that you are able to focus on your purpose without worry. They are infinite and can therefore be with everyone at once if you ask for their help. In this handy guide are featured sixteen of the more prominent Archangels. Kevin Hunter gives attention to each one of them by discussing their specialties. He weaves in his own examples of how he works with the...
There are legions of benevolent Archangels in Heaven residing in other dimensions. They act as God's arms to assist humanity one person at a time in a...
What are Spirit Guides and Angels? How do they communicate with you? These are some of the questions that author, Kevin Hunter, answers in Spirit Guides and Angels. Hunter discusses some of his personal stories in how he receives heavenly messages from the other side. Through this, the reader may recognize when they are receiving heavenly communication. He touches on the four basic clair channels, empathy, emotional detachment and what happens when you refuse divine messages as well as informational guidance from his Spirit team. This pocket book is part of a series of Warrior...
What are Spirit Guides and Angels? How do they communicate with you? These are some of the questions that author, Kevin Hunter, answers in Spirit G...
Everyone is interested in love and relationships whether they like to admit it or not. Even the most hardened human soul has fantasized about having a love interest or a partner in crime. One of the main reasons you are here is to love and to learn how to love. This is not just in intimate relationships, but with everyone you come into contact with. In, Soul Mates and Twin Flames, author Kevin Hunter touches on the topic of love and relationships by passing on some of the messages and guidance he has received from his own Guides and Angels on the topic. Included in this...
Everyone is interested in love and relationships whether they like to admit it or not. Even the most hardened human soul has fantasized about having a...
This is a volatile, unstable and hostile world. The Light and Darkness are on an equal footing as humanity uncomfortably leaves the last Dark Age. God's creation, the world and all human souls are struck by harsh energies on a regular basis. This is due to the dark side of humanity ruling with its uncontrollable and disruptive ego. Author, Kevin Hunter, channels messages from the other side surrounding what Spirit has to say about humanity and what this life is all about. Some of the many topics brought to light are Hell and the Devil, the real monsters of society, the Ego, what...
This is a volatile, unstable and hostile world. The Light and Darkness are on an equal footing as humanity uncomfortably leaves the last Dark Age. God...
Fine tuning your body and soul opens up the portal to receive Heavenly messages and guidance. It also contributes to giving you more energy during the day to accomplish what you want. You look and feel incredible that you attract in wonderful circumstances, jobs, friendships and relationships of a higher caliber. You are happier and more optimistic. This positive energy enhancement shoots outwardly into the universe brightening up its atmosphere around you. This is hypnotizing and magnetic to others while becoming a recipe for tremendous situations to enter your life. In Raising Your...
Fine tuning your body and soul opens up the portal to receive Heavenly messages and guidance. It also contributes to giving you more energy during the...