Los grupos de operaciones secretas del Ejercito estan abduciendo semillas estelares de manera clandestina y les roban sus almas y propiedades espirituales. Las semillas estelares son utilizadas como ratas de laboratorio para proyectos horrorosos que incluyen comunicacion con los muertos y experimentos de experiencias cercanas a la muerte. Hubo una guerra espiritual entre Dios/Seres Celestiales/la Ascension y el transhumanismo. La profecia maya de 2012 estaba en lo correcto. La robotizacion mundial de los humanos a traves del control mental electronico a distancia esta practicamente consumada....
Los grupos de operaciones secretas del Ejercito estan abduciendo semillas estelares de manera clandestina y les roban sus almas y propiedades espiritu...
Aren is facing the most stressful week of her life to date- the week before her high school graduation. In the midst of final projects and trying to spend those last few moments with her friends she meets Noah, the guy who has walked straight out of her dreams. Noah isn't the only part of her dreams that seems to have come to life, however. As the odd coincidences start piling up Aren is also plagued by the appearance of another man from her dreams who seems to be bent on keeping Aren and Noah apart. As her dreams spiral out of control and Aren fears for the safety of her and her friends she...
Aren is facing the most stressful week of her life to date- the week before her high school graduation. In the midst of final projects and trying to s...