As he revolutionized traditional teaching on hell in the phenomenal New York Times bestseller Love Wins, Rob Bell now transforms how we understand and practice marriage in The Zimzum of Love, co-written with his wife, Kristen.
Despite the divorce statistics, people are still committing to each other, instinctively believing and hoping that theirs is a sacred union that will last forever. Yet when these couples encounter problems, they often lack the resources that keep them connected to this greater mystery surrounding marriage.
Rob and Kristen Bell...
As he revolutionized traditional teaching on hell in the phenomenal New York Times bestseller Love Wins, Rob Bell now transforms ...
"Look What We Can Do " is a light-hearted tale of Nolan, a little boy, and Teddy, his best friend, as they cruise around on Nolan's new power wheelchair. These two adventurers find joy and humor in the world around them, despite the new obstacles they face.
"Look What We Can Do " is a light-hearted tale of Nolan, a little boy, and Teddy, his best friend, as they cruise around on Nolan's new power wheel...