Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth to see it like it is, and tell it like it is. Richard Nixon I believe America is the solution to the world s problems. Rush Limbaugh SHUT THE F#CK UP. D. L. Hughley
The American dream is in dire need of a wake-up call. A f*cked up society is like an addict: if you are in denial, then things are going to keep getting worse until you hit bottom. According to D. L. Hughley, that's the direction in which America is headed. In I Want You to Shut the F*ck Up, D.L. explains how we've become a nation of fat sissies...
Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth to see it like it is, and tell it like it is. Richard Nixon I believe America is the soluti...
"The book everyone is laughing about "--Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe
For two centuries, presidents hoping to secure their legacies have sought out biographers. But who could possibly capture the inspiring yet bizarre reality of the first black man to call the White House his crib, a tenure that brought hope, change, and health care to millions, but also spawned birthers, backlash, and the bewildering rise of Donald Trump? Thankfully, as the end of President Barack Obama's pioneering two terms...
New York Times Bestseller (Humor)
"The book everyone is laughing about "--Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe<...