WINNER OF THE 2015 DIAGRAM/NEW MICHIGAN PRESS CHAPBOOK CONTEST "For Colleen O'Brien, a word is myriad inside, like a geode. So is a sentence, so is a painting, so is a scribbled note whose "i" might be a semicolon or long-ago failure to make a lasting self. O'Brien is fascinated with the hesitations and swerves that are part of the process of human expression, and the delicate music and syntax she generates in the act of saying constitute an original and exquisite study of how we move, imperfectly and with hope, towards closure and form." --Nancy Eimers "These startling poems by Colleen...
WINNER OF THE 2015 DIAGRAM/NEW MICHIGAN PRESS CHAPBOOK CONTEST "For Colleen O'Brien, a word is myriad inside, like a geode. So is a sentence, so is a ...