In the fifth year of the War of Independence, while the Americans focused on the British thrust against the Carolinas, the Canadian Department waged a decisive campaign against the northern frontier of New York. Their primary target was the Mohawk River region, known to be the "grainbowl" that fed Washington's armies. The Burning of the Valleys details the actions of both sides in this exciting and incredibly effective British campaign.
General Frederick Haldimand of Canada possessed a potent force, formed by the deadly alliance of toughened, embittered Tories, who had...
In the fifth year of the War of Independence, while the Americans focused on the British thrust against the Carolinas, the Canadian Department wage...
By 1781, the sixth year of the American rebellion, British strategic focus had shifted from the northern states to concentrate in the south. Canada's governor, Frederick Haldimand, was responsible for the defence of the Crown's largest colony against the threat of Franco-American invasion, while assisting overall British strategy. He cleverly employed his sparse resources to vigorously raid the rebels' frontiers and create anxiety, disruption, and deprivation, as his Secret Service undermined their morale with invasion rumours and threatened their Union by negotiating with the independent...
By 1781, the sixth year of the American rebellion, British strategic focus had shifted from the northern states to concentrate in the south. Canada...
Collection of some of our favorites. William Crolius -This is a widow's application for pension and it interesting because it gives some of the hardships suffered by the women. Joel Bower-Joel's story begins with his birth and goes through the War of 1812. He was wounded several times and was in some of the major battles. Thomas Machin-Thomas Machin was known for his part in chaining the Hudson River. His son received a pension, fraudulently, and hired a Fort Plain Attorney to represent him. If you feel you must cheat, don't tell your neighbor what you did. John Winn-A capable leader who...
Collection of some of our favorites. William Crolius -This is a widow's application for pension and it interesting because it gives some of the hardsh...