The story of Czar Nicholas and the disappearance of the royal family was a source of controversy for decades. Did they escape or were they murdered? Smythe presents facts he assembled from two diaries. He hoped to use Rescuing the Czar to set the record straight. From his preface, "IF Rescuing the Czar" does no more than set at rest the _fable_ of the "Romanoff Execution," it will have done its work by characterizing the source and methods and objects of its inspiration. If it raises the presumption of generosity in quarters generally subject to suspicion, it will be equally praiseworthy for...
The story of Czar Nicholas and the disappearance of the royal family was a source of controversy for decades. Did they escape or were they murdered? S...
The story of Czar Nicholas and the disappearance of the royal family was a source of controversy for decades. Did they escape or were they murdered? Smythe presents facts he assembled from two diaries. He hoped to use Rescuing the Czar to set the record straight. From his preface, "IF Rescuing the Czar" does no more than set at rest the _fable_ of the "Romanoff Execution," it will have done its work by characterizing the source and methods and objects of its inspiration. If it raises the presumption of generosity in quarters generally subject to suspicion, it will be equally...
The story of Czar Nicholas and the disappearance of the royal family was a source of controversy for decades. Did they escape or were they murdered? ...