An exceptional tale of perseverance in the face of hardship, Cinderella Man is the riveting chronicle of James J. Braddock, the ultimate white knight in the sport of boxing, whose story was brought to the big screen by the director Ron Howard and starred Russell Crowe.
An exceptional tale of perseverance in the face of hardship, Cinderella Man is the riveting chronicle of James J. Braddock, the ultimate white knight ...
The story of Jesse Owens, the African-American son of sharecroppers who won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games held in Nazi Germany, is that of a high-profile athlete giving a performance that transcends sports. But it is also the intimate and complex tale of the courage of one remarkable man.
The story of Jesse Owens, the African-American son of sharecroppers who won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympic Games held in Nazi Germany, is that o...
"Al Bernstein has seen cable television sports grow up. In 30 Years, 30 Undeniable Truths he looks at his time in the industry through a prism that is unique to him. This book gives the reader an insight into the sometimes absurd world of television sports. There is a 31st undeniable truth: Al Bernstein is a truly funny man." --Barry Tompkins, Sportscaster for HBO, ESPN, FOX and SHOWTIME "Al Bernstein came into boxing during one of its greatest eras--the 1980s. Boxing was like a flower blossoming at that time. Al was right there for it. This book is so well written that it captures that...
"Al Bernstein has seen cable television sports grow up. In 30 Years, 30 Undeniable Truths he looks at his time in the industry through a prism that is...