"Awakening From Broken Dreams" is a dramatic, suspenseful, yet humorous journey of the life of a young transsexual and her trials and troubles of living a life so easily misunderstood.
"Awakening From Broken Dreams" is a dramatic, suspenseful, yet humorous journey of the life of a young transsexual and her trials and troubles of livi...
"Awakening From Broken Dreams" is a dramatic, suspenseful, yet humorous journey of the life of a young transsexual and her trials and troubles of living a life so easily misunderstood.
"Awakening From Broken Dreams" is a dramatic, suspenseful, yet humorous journey of the life of a young transsexual and her trials and troubles of livi...
The small but lively town of Arthurland, California has been shaken up by a recent string of murders involving prostitution, religion, gangs, sex and fetishism. The town hangs politically in the balance as well when the mayor commits suicide and conservatives and liberals begin to collide. Is there a connection between the two subjects? The fate of citizens, tourists and tribal members lie in the hands of a quiet, yet emotionally disturbed cop who is assigned to piece the puzzle together. Sgt. Tracy Rhodes, an overworked detective, begins to learn the differences between friends and foes,...
The small but lively town of Arthurland, California has been shaken up by a recent string of murders involving prostitution, religion, gangs, sex and ...