This book is an analysis of the economics of the fashion photography industry, written by one of the world's brightest young economic sociologists. Aspers shows how photographers gain their identity in the market and how markets are constructed at the interface of economy and art. Status, identity and style are seen as hugely important and the author makes a case for these factors being of major significance in all markets of an aesthetic nature.
This book is an analysis of the economics of the fashion photography industry, written by one of the world's brightest young economic sociologists.
How do we place value on goods - and, importantly, why? Valuation and pricing are core issues in the market economy, but understanding of these concepts and their interrelation is weak. In response, The Worth of Goods takes a sociological approach to the perennial but timely question of what makes a product valuable. Structured in three parts, it first examines value in the broader sense - moral values and how they are formed, and the relations between economic and non-economic values - discussing such matters as the value of an oil spill, the price of a scientific paper, value in ethical...
How do we place value on goods - and, importantly, why? Valuation and pricing are core issues in the market economy, but understanding of these concep...
Unser Leben wird von Markten bestimmt. Sie sind fur die kapitalistischen Volkswirtschaften weltweit konstitutiv und haben von Anfang an viele offentliche Debatten ausgelost. Wahrend Markte fur die Einen der unubertroffene Modus der Handlungskoordination sind, werden sie von Anderen als Quelle vieler gesellschaftlicher Ubel eingestuft und bekampft. Dieses Buch vereint das Wissen uber Markte von Soziologie, Okonomie und Anthropologie und untersucht systematisch die verschiedenen Formen von Markten, denen wir taglich in unserem Leben begegnen.
Unser Leben wird von Markten bestimmt. Sie sind fur die kapitalistischen Volkswirtschaften weltweit konstitutiv und haben von Anfang an viele offen...
The purpose of this book is to explore new developments in the field of economic sociology. It contains cutting-edge theoretical discussions by some of the world's leading economic sociologists, with chapters on topics such as the economic convention, relational sociology, economic identity, economy and law, economic networks and institutions.
The book is distinctive in a number of ways. First, it focuses on theoretical contributions, by pulling together and extending what the contributors believe to be the most important theoretical innovations within their own particular areas of the...
The purpose of this book is to explore new developments in the field of economic sociology. It contains cutting-edge theoretical discussions by some o...
The purpose of this book is to explore new developments in the field of economic sociology. It contains cutting-edge theoretical discussions by some of the world's leading economic sociologists, with chapters on topics such as the economic convention, relational sociology, economic identity, economy and law, economic networks and institutions. The book is distinctive in a number of ways. First, it focuses on theoretical contributions, by pulling together and extending what the contributors believe to be the most important theoretical innovations within their own particular areas of the...
The purpose of this book is to explore new developments in the field of economic sociology. It contains cutting-edge theoretical discussions by some o...