"The Millionaires' Unit" is the story of a gilded generation of young men from the zenith of privilege: a Rockefeller, the son of the head of the Union Pacific Railroad, several who counted friends and relatives among presidents and statesmen of the day. They had it all and, remarkably by modern standards, they were prepared to risk it all to fight a distant war in France. Driven by the belief that their membership in the American elite required certain sacrifice, schooled in heroism and the nature of leadership, they determined to be first into the conflict, leading the way ahead of...
"The Millionaires' Unit" is the story of a gilded generation of young men from the zenith of privilege: a Rockefeller, the son of the head of the Unio...
Atlanta's destruction during the Civil War is an iconic moment in American history. Award-winning journalist Marc Wortman depicts its siege and fall in The Bonfire, and reveals an Atlanta of unexpected paradoxes. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution called it a tale of divided loyalties, political intrigue, and tremendous human suffering an] invaluable history and a gripping read. "
Atlanta's destruction during the Civil War is an iconic moment in American history. Award-winning journalist Marc Wortman depicts its siege and fall i...