The ordinary life of a 14-year-old boy is shattered when he receives a strange letter from his Dad. Within days, Max Forber is forced to leave the safe world of school and friends and go on the run with his parents from an organisation which will seeming
The ordinary life of a 14-year-old boy is shattered when he receives a strange letter from his Dad. Within days, Max Forber is forced to leave the saf...
Max Forber is back. Following the tragic events two years ago, Max has completed his specialist training with Phoenix and is now one of their full-time secret agents. He is immediately thrown into dangerous and sinister situations unlike anything he has ever experienced before. As events unfold, will Max, hardened by his past experiences, be able to save Phoenix from its scheming arch-enemy, Astankov Industries? Join Max in the second book of the series, following on from Hounded.
Max Forber is back. Following the tragic events two years ago, Max has completed his specialist training with Phoenix and is now one of their full-tim...