How can a woman's self-hatred contain the seeds of her psychological growth? Can aggressive energies form the basis of recovery from eating disorders? Women's Aggressive Fantasies examines the roles of aggressive fantasies and impulses in contemporary women's lives. Such impulses have previously been overlooked by psychoanalysis, feminism and depth psychology when, Sue Austin argues, they should occupy a central position. Drawing together apparently disparate strands of theory from feminism, critical psychology, contemporary psychoanalysis and post-Jungian thought, this...
How can a woman's self-hatred contain the seeds of her psychological growth? Can aggressive energies form the basis of recovery from eating disorde...
How can a woman's self-hatred contain the seeds of her psychological growth? Can aggressive energies form the basis of recovery from eating disorders? "Women's Aggressive Fantasies" examines the roles of aggressive fantasies and impulses in contemporary women's lives. Such impulses have previously been overlooked by psychoanalysis, feminism and depth psychology when, Sue Austin argues, they should occupy a central position. Drawing together apparently disparate strands of theory from feminism, critical psychology, contemporary psychoanalysis and post-Jungian thought, this books...
How can a woman's self-hatred contain the seeds of her psychological growth? Can aggressive energies form the basis of recovery from eating disorde...