Security metrics is the application of quantitative, statistical, and/or mathematical analyses to measuring security functional trends and workload. In other words, tracking what each function is doing in terms of level of effort (LOE), costs, and productivity. Security metrics management is the managing of an assets protection program and related security functions through the use of metrics. It can be used where managerial tasks must be supported for such purposes as supporting the security professional's position on budget matters, justifying the cost-effectiveness of decisions,...
Security metrics is the application of quantitative, statistical, and/or mathematical analyses to measuring security functional trends and workload. I...
The Corporate Security Professional's Handbook on Terrorism is a professional reference that clarifies the difference between terrorism against corporations and their assets, versus terrorism against government assets. It addresses the existing misconceptions regarding how terrorism does or does not affect corporations, and provides security professionals and business executives with a better understanding of how terrorism may impact them. Consisting three sections, Section I provides an explanation of what terrorism is, its history, who engages in it, and why. Section II focuses...
The Corporate Security Professional's Handbook on Terrorism is a professional reference that clarifies the difference between terrorism again...