The focus of Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry is on peptides and proteins, separation techniques, preparation protocols, and the fundamental characteristics as ionic gas phase species that lie within the breadth of the field of mass spectrometry. This volume is divided into four sections; experimental approaches and protocols, sequence analysis, other structural analyses, and targeted applications.
Frontier Research on biological, biochemical, and biomedical applications of MS
Focus on Peptides and Proteins
Suitable for new graduate students...
The focus of Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry is on peptides and proteins, separation techniques, preparation protocols, and t...
M. L. Gross Michael L. Gross Wilfried M. A. Niessen
Volume 8: Hyphenated Methods
Starting with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and continuing through GCxGC-MS, LC-MSn, and LC-NMR-MS, hyphenated methods have revolutionized chemical analysis. This volume covers that revolution in two parts. The first (Chapters 1-4) describes principles, instrumentation, and technology, and the second (Chapters 5-10) organizes major application areas in GC-MS and LC-MS.
After a general introduction (Chapter 1), attention is paid to principles and instrumentation of GC-MS (Chapter 2) and LC-MS (Chapter 3). Other hyphenated...
Volume 8: Hyphenated Methods
Starting with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and continuing through GCxGC-MS, LC-MSn, and ...
This book covers both the basic principles of contemporary mass spectrometry instrumentation as well as its application to problems in structural biochemistry. Its tutorial form serves as an introduction to those entering the field, and for established scientists who wish to apply mass spectrometry to structural problems. The expertly written chapters introduce and summarize the capabilities of sector, tandem sector, hybrid, time-of-flight, triple quadrupole, ion trap, and Fourier transform mass spectrometers. New methods, such as electrospray ionization, laser desorption, and high...
This book covers both the basic principles of contemporary mass spectrometry instrumentation as well as its application to problems in structural bioc...
The developments in mass spectrometry over the past fifteen years have been impressive in their implications in bioanalytical chemistry. The achievements begin with the inventions of Cf-252 Plasma Desorption Mass Spectrometry by Macfarlane and Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry by Comisarow and Marshall in the mid 1970s. The former showed the feasibility of producing large gas-phase ions from large biomolecules whereas the latter enhanced the capabilities for ion trapping especially in analytical mass spectrometry. A major achievement was the development by Barber of Fast Atom Bombardment...
The developments in mass spectrometry over the past fifteen years have been impressive in their implications in bioanalytical chemistry. The achieveme...