This book discusses the challenges faced during diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy and the approaches to tackle them. Ectopic pregnancy is the second most prominent cause of maternal mortality in U.S.A and a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the world. This book comprises of practical methods for early diagnosis of various forms of ectopic pregnancies and their proper care. This book is a comprehensive account which guides the reader regarding all features of ectopic pregnancy, both practical and academic, covering all aspects of diagnosis and operation of ectopic...
This book discusses the challenges faced during diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy and the approaches to tackle them. Ectopic pregnancy is t...
Pregnancy thrombophilia poses serious challenges for both the mother and the fetus. This book helps the readers in learning the current observations regarding the effect and management of mother-fetal thrombophilia, the achievement required for gestation complication prevention and formulating an effective pregnancy valuation. It covers all the multi-faceted aspects of thrombophilic conditions during pregnancy, including basic and clinical knowledge approach. The book presents an account on the challenges and problems related to various aspects of pregnancy thrombophilia. Obstetricians, IVF...
Pregnancy thrombophilia poses serious challenges for both the mother and the fetus. This book helps the readers in learning the current observations r...
In a pique of anger, Titania dissolved her Royal Faerie Court and tossed her husband Oberon in chains. Fearful of becoming the object of Titania's generally indiscriminate fits of anger, fully a quarter of Elfame's population in the lands ruled by Titania fled into the outside world, a place few had ever ventured before - even to avoid the royal authorities. Titania has since regained her composure (although, perhaps not completely, as Oberon is still entertaining the royal cockroaches in the royal dungeons), but the pixies who have left their homes in the glades of the Olde Countrie have now...
In a pique of anger, Titania dissolved her Royal Faerie Court and tossed her husband Oberon in chains. Fearful of becoming the object of Titania's gen...