Sonny Burns is at a point. The world is spinning around him and he is trying to find his destiny. Even in high school, Sonny thought the world was a bad place but until he ventured out of high school he had no idea of the toll that the real world can take on a person. Teenager examines the crossroads of life for a young man entering into adulthood. It delves into the burdens of real life that become visible when young people are suddenly thrust into a world that is unlike what they have known before.
Sonny Burns is at a point. The world is spinning around him and he is trying to find his destiny. Even in high school, Sonny thought the world was a b...
One of the occupational risks of mining ore results from the exposure of miners to airborne radon gases (222Rn, 220Rn) and their short-lived decay products (radon daughters). The inhalation of these radionuclides constitutes the most important occupational exposure in mines, especially in uranium mines. A previous report of the ICRP outlined the principles of monitoring and limitation of radiation exposure in uranium and other mines (IC 77b). It should be noted that radon and its daughters are also present in atmospheric and room air. The inhalation of these...
One of the occupational risks of mining ore results from the exposure of miners to airborne radon gases (222Rn, 220Rn) and their...
ICRP Publication 77 reaffirms the Commission's current policy of radiological protection, in particular its policy on public exposure, and aims to clarify the practical application of that policy to the disposal of radioactive waste. It discusses the justification of a practice, the optimisation of protection, the use of collective dose assessed over long distances and times, the implications of potential exposure, and the distinction between practices and intervention. In particular, it explains why collective doses should not be ignored simply because the individual doses contributing to it...
ICRP Publication 77 reaffirms the Commission's current policy of radiological protection, in particular its policy on public exposure, and aims to cla...
The International Commission on Radiological Protection first set out general principles for planning intervention after an accident over short times and generally near to accidents in ICRP Publication 40 (1984). This document updates and extends the earlier publication and includes quantitative guidance on intervention levels. This guidance covers the introduction of such protective actions over very short times, their introduction and continuation following periodic review over protracted timescales lasting perhaps years and intervention over larger areas. All accidents are different, as...
The International Commission on Radiological Protection first set out general principles for planning intervention after an accident over short times ...
ICRP Publication 81 deals with the radiological protection of members of the public following the disposal of long-lived solid radioactive waste using the 'concentrate and retain' strategy. It covers options including shallow land burial and deep geological disposal. Its recommendations apply to new disposal facilities. The report supplements, updates, and clarifies the material in ICRP Publication 46 from 1986, taking into account the most recent general recommendations of ICRP in Publication 60 and the general ICRP policy for disposal of all types of radioactive waste as described in...
ICRP Publication 81 deals with the radiological protection of members of the public following the disposal of long-lived solid radioactive waste using...
The ICRP, in its 1990 Recommendations, divided situations affecting radiation exposure of individuals into two broad categories: practices and intervention. The basic principles of radiation protection are applied to these categories in different ways. In the case of practices, the principles are applied to the addition of radiation risk caused by the introduction or modification of practices, whilst for intervention they are applied to the subtraction or reduction of pre-existing radiation exposure. Radiation exposure which might result from the introduction of a practice is also divided...
The ICRP, in its 1990 Recommendations, divided situations affecting radiation exposure of individuals into two broad categories: practices and interve...
This report was prepared to provide advice on the application of the Commission's 2007 Recommendations. The advice includes the preparedness for, and response to, all radiation emergency exposure situations defined as: 'situations that may occur during the operation of a planned situation, or from a malicious act, or from any other unexpected situation and require urgent action in order to avoid or reduce undesirable consequences'. An emergency exposure situation may evolve, in time, into an existing exposure situation. The Commission's advice for these types of situation is published in two...
This report was prepared to provide advice on the application of the Commission's 2007 Recommendations. The advice includes the preparedness for, and ...
This report describes the development and intended use of the computational phantoms of the Reference Male and Reference Female. In its 2007 Recommendations, ICRP adopted these computational phantoms for forthcoming updates of organ dose coefficients for both internal and external radiation sources (ICRP, 2007). The phantoms are based on medical image data of real people, yet are consistent with the data given in Publication 89 (ICRP, 2002) on the reference anatomical and physiological parameters for both male and female subjects. The reference phantoms are constructed after modifying the...
This report describes the development and intended use of the computational phantoms of the Reference Male and Reference Female. In its 2007 Recommend...