This collection of over two hundred folk and fairy tales from all over the world is the only edition that encompasses all cultures. Arranged geographically by region--West and East Europe, British Isles, Scandinavia, and Northern Europe, Middle East, Asia, the Pacific, Africa, North America, the Carribean and West Indies, and Central and South America--and lovingly selected from the personal favorites of folklorists and writers, this book is a major anthology in its field. Gathered together in this wide-ranging collection are familiar classics like "Snow-White" and "Sleeping Beauty," and...
This collection of over two hundred folk and fairy tales from all over the world is the only edition that encompasses all cultures. Arranged geographi...
When Keesha discovers mold on her sandwich, Mrs. Frizzle takes the class on a tour of the mini microbe world where the kids learn first hand that these tiny beings can have huge effects.
When Keesha discovers mold on her sandwich, Mrs. Frizzle takes the class on a tour of the mini microbe world where the kids learn first hand that thes...
How can your tongue tell a sweet taste from a sour one? How do your ears know which way a sound is coming from? Find out in this sense-sational nonfiction book
Level Four
How can your tongue tell a sweet taste from a sour one? How do your ears know which way a sound is coming from? Find out in thi...
After Ms. Frizzle takes her class to visit a beekeeper, the Magic School Bus mysteriously vibrates, shrinks, and flies right into a beehive. And when Ms. Frizzle tells everyone to "be a bee", the adventure begins. Full color.
After Ms. Frizzle takes her class to visit a beekeeper, the Magic School Bus mysteriously vibrates, shrinks, and flies right into a beehive. And when ...
The classic title that started the award-winning series! Join Ms. Frizzle and her students as they follow the trail of water, from its sky-high source to the school bathroom sink on this wet and wild fieldtrip. After parking the school bus on a cloud and shrinking to raindrop size, Ms. Frizzle's class gets to see the waterworks from the water's point of view.
The classic title that started the award-winning series! Join Ms. Frizzle and her students as they follow the trail of water, from its sky-high source...
Rock collecting has never been quite like this! When the class forgets to do its homework, a fieldtrip through the Earth's crust, into the center of the Earth, and out through a volcano will teach them not to forget their assignments again.
Rock collecting has never been quite like this! When the class forgets to do its homework, a fieldtrip through the Earth's crust, into the center of t...
The fieldtrip to the planetarium is foiled when the museum turns out to be closed, but Ms. Frizzle saves the day. The Magic School Bus turns into a spaceship and takes the class on a trip zooming through the atmosphere, to the Moon, and beyond.
The fieldtrip to the planetarium is foiled when the museum turns out to be closed, but Ms. Frizzle saves the day. The Magic School Bus turns into a sp...
On another special field trip on the magic school bus, Ms. Frizzle's class learns about the ocean and the different creatures that live there. Full-color illustrations.
On another special field trip on the magic school bus, Ms. Frizzle's class learns about the ocean and the different creatures that live there. Full-co...
Ms. Frizzle's students shrink to the size of atoms and travel through an electrical power plant. From the turbine to the toaster, it's a lightning-fast trip readers will not forget!
Ms. Frizzle's students shrink to the size of atoms and travel through an electrical power plant. From the turbine to the toaster, it's a lightning-fas...