Your body wants to be healthy! Variability Training is a revolutionary new form of exercise based on the way your body was naturally designed to move. It is for people of almost any age and ability. You don't need special equipment and you can do Variability Training anytime, even while watching TV or cooking. Each exercise is less than sixty seconds long, immediately followed by complete rest. This book explains the ideas behind Variability Training and why it was developed. It walks you through the four easy steps for creating a personalized Variability Training program, and includes pages...
Your body wants to be healthy! Variability Training is a revolutionary new form of exercise based on the way your body was naturally designed to move....
Babam ve ben bu kitab? insanlara derileri uzerinde neler oldu?unu izlemeleri gerekti?ini fark ettirebilmek icin haz?rlad?k. ?Benler? ki?i buyudukce gozle gorunur hale gelir ve bu sebeple ?benleri? izlemek gerekir. Bu cok basittir.
Bu kitab?n metnini babam yazd?. Cunku uzun zamand?r ?benlerini? takip etmeleri konusunda insanlara yard?mc? olmaya cal yordu.
Ben de cizimlerimle yard?mc? oldum, tum tarama ve bilgisayar cal malar?n? yapt?m. Ayr?ca babam?n yapt baz? kucuk hatalar? tespit edip bu hatalar?n duzeltilmesine yard?mc? oldum. Babam...
Merhaba Benim ad?m Gus Naughton.
Babam ve ben bu kitab? insanlara derileri uzerinde neler oldu?unu izlemeleri gerekti?ini fark ettirebilmek...