"The Pass" is the story of John Blake, a high school football star with a bright future--until he befriends a mentally-challenged teammate named Roland Shepherd in the summer before his senior year.
At the height of small-town celebrity, John pays a steep personal price for his decision to tutor Roland in football, earning the contempt of his teammates and his coach.
In the end, John makes a choice that changes his life--and the life of others--forever.
"The Pass" is the story of John Blake, a high school football star with a bright future--until he befriends a mentally-challenged teammate named Rolan...
After twenty years of journalistic drudgery, Max Kavich's career has finally taken off-he's landed a high-profile feature-writing job at the "Star-Herald," New Jersey's largest newspaper. He sifts through the human wreckage of plane crashes, car wrecks, and homicides to find stories of courage and compassion.
But his life begins to mimic the chaos and danger he writes about when he receives an anonymous letter in the mail. He has five days to find and kill Benjamin Bremer, a former high school classmate. If he doesn't, Max's wife, Michelle, and their twin sons will be killed. Bremer,...
After twenty years of journalistic drudgery, Max Kavich's career has finally taken off-he's landed a high-profile feature-writing job at the "Star-...
After twenty years of journalistic drudgery, Max Kavich's career has finally taken off-he's landed a high-profile feature-writing job at the "Star-Herald," New Jersey's largest newspaper. He sifts through the human wreckage of plane crashes, car wrecks, and homicides to find stories of courage and compassion.
But his life begins to mimic the chaos and danger he writes about when he receives an anonymous letter in the mail. He has five days to find and kill Benjamin Bremer, a former high school classmate. If he doesn't, Max's wife, Michelle, and their twin sons will be killed. Bremer,...
After twenty years of journalistic drudgery, Max Kavich's career has finally taken off-he's landed a high-profile feature-writing job at the "Star-...