"Office Politics: Blue and Red America Collide" is a unique perspective on how Americans discuss politics. This is a collection of email threads between four white-collar businessmen debating social spending and foreign policy; WMDs and Rush Limbaugh. It's a partisan fight conducted through the simple rapid-fire language of email. You'll find someone here to cheer for no matter which side you're on and you won't stop laughing. There is no moderator. Nothing is "politically correct." Consider Jay on Taxes: ..".and I am sick to death of sanctimonious liberals like you telling me I can be a...
"Office Politics: Blue and Red America Collide" is a unique perspective on how Americans discuss politics. This is a collection of email threads betwe...
"Office Politics: Blue and Red America Collide" is a unique perspective on how Americans discuss politics. This is a collection of email threads between four white-collar businessmen debating social spending and foreign policy; WMDs and Rush Limbaugh. It's a partisan fight conducted through the simple rapid-fire language of email. You'll find someone here to cheer for no matter which side you're on and you won't stop laughing. There is no moderator. Nothing is "politically correct." Consider Jay on Taxes: ..".and I am sick to death of sanctimonious liberals like you telling me I can be a...
"Office Politics: Blue and Red America Collide" is a unique perspective on how Americans discuss politics. This is a collection of email threads betwe...