"A Walk's As Good As A Hit" is a collection of hilarious and occasionally poignant essays about a son's attempts to avoid becoming his father. With wit and candor, the author tackles timeless topics - grades, girls, family vacations - of family discord. Eventually, Reidy realizes becoming his old man isn't the worst thing that can happen to him.
"A Walk's As Good As A Hit" is a collection of hilarious and occasionally poignant essays about a son's attempts to avoid becoming his father. With wi...
Got a sports bucket list? His parents told him he was crazy. His friends said he'd never do it. #HoldMyBeer In September 2013, Jamie Reidy set out to complete Sports Year, his Hail Mary attempt at a return to literary success while also recusing himself from self-inflicted midlife and debt crisis. With very little planning and even less funding, the itinerary called for Reidy to hit a sports event every day, ranging from the Super Bowl down to a six-year-old girls' basketball game. (FYI: the refs don't call traveling.) Along the way, he'd visit all the iconic venues like Lambeau,...
Got a sports bucket list? His parents told him he was crazy. His friends said he'd never do it. #HoldMyBeer In September 2013, Jamie Reidy set ou...