Bioengineering of the skin, or more precisely the biophysical assessment of skin physiology, is moving rapidly from a descriptive approach to a deeper understanding of biophysical and biochemical processes. This second edition of the popular text Bioengineering of the Skin: Water and Stratum Corneum reflects the progress in the field, focusing on the dramatically improved understanding of skin physiology. Specifically, it reviews the shift in our understanding of the stratum corneum from an inert surrounding sheet to a biologically active compartment.
The stratum corneum is the interface...
Bioengineering of the skin, or more precisely the biophysical assessment of skin physiology, is moving rapidly from a descriptive approach to a deeper...
Skin physiology assessment is moving rapidly from a descriptive approach to a deeper understanding of biophysical and biochemical processes in the stratum corneum, e.g. on stratum corneum barrier function as well on stratum corneum hydration. The research with bioengineering methods offers now reliable and reproducible approaches for product testing in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry as well as in basic research. This cookbook is intended to give basic information regarding skin physiology, the assessment of skin functions in controlled studies using non-invasive biophysical...
Skin physiology assessment is moving rapidly from a descriptive approach to a deeper understanding of biophysical and biochemical processes in the ...