This step-by-step, self-contained introduction to the theory of auctions allows students and readers with a calculus background to work through all the basic results in auction theory. Readers will work through the basic independent-private-model, understand the effects of introducing correlation in valuations on equilibrium behaviour and the seller's expected revenue, develop a working knowledge of mechanism design, and be introduced to the theory of multi-object auctions.
This step-by-step, self-contained introduction to the theory of auctions allows students and readers with a calculus background to work through all th...
The practical importance of auction theory is widely recognized. Indeed, economists have been recognized for their contribution to the design of several auction-like mechanisms, such as the U. S. Federal Communications Commission spectrum auctions, the 3G auctions in Europe and beyond, and the auction markets for electricity markets around the world. Moreover, auction theory is now seen as an important component of an economist's training. For example, some of the more celebrated results from the single-object auction theory are now usually taught in advanced undergraduate and first-year...
The practical importance of auction theory is widely recognized. Indeed, economists have been recognized for their contribution to the design of sever...