Gertrude Stein's dramatic texts rely on the absence of many landmarks of traditional theater, but absence is a very difficult thing to stage. Iconoclastic directors and production teams-including Virgil Thomson, the Living Theatre, the Judson Poets Theatre, the Santa Fe Opera, the Glimmerglass Opera, the Wooster Group, Robert Wilson, Anne Bogart, Frank Galati and Heiner Goebbels-have ardently roamed Stein's spare dramatic "landscapes," but even these convention-defying artists had to fill some of her absences in order to bring the texts to life on stage. Inevitably contemporary culture...
Gertrude Stein's dramatic texts rely on the absence of many landmarks of traditional theater, but absence is a very difficult thing to stage. Iconocla...
Women are at the center of American theatre and have the potential to shape the cultural imagination of theatre-goers as a complex new era unfolds. Sarah Ruhl, one of the twenty-first century's most honored playwrights, is read in concert with her contemporaries whose writing also wrestles with the vexing issues facing Americans in the new century.
Women are at the center of American theatre and have the potential to shape the cultural imagination of theatre-goers as a complex new era unfolds. Sa...