With years of experience teaching parents and babies across the country to sign, Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert bring their expertise to these interactive board books. Each page focuses on one word, showing a photo of an adult to model the sign. Beside it is a photo of a baby making the sign to ease parents' identification of the sign as young hands might make it. Facing these photographs is an illustration of the object, as well as a touch-and-feel
With years of experience teaching parents and babies across the country to sign, Michelle Anthony and Reyna Lindert bring their expertise to these int...
Worried about mean girls? Help your daughter respond and react to bullying where it starts---in elementary school
As experts in developmental psychology and each a mother of three, Dr. Michelle Anthony and Dr. Reyna Lindert began noticing an alarming pattern of social struggle among girls as young as five, including their own daughters. In today's world, it is likely that your daughter has been faced with bullying and friendship issues, too---and perhaps you're at a loss for how to guide her through these situations effectively. Little Girls Can Be Mean is the first...
Worried about mean girls? Help your daughter respond and react to bullying where it starts---in elementary school
Babies can communicate with their hands long before they can speak. Using American Sign Language (ASL), Dr. Michelle Anthony and Dr. Reyna Lindert have created the simple and successful Signing Smart system to teach parents how to integrate signing into everyday life with their hearing children. Through the more than seventy activities presented in this book, parents will learn the tools and strategies they need to understand how to introduce signing and build their child's sign and word vocabulary.
Using ASL signs and Signing Smart with...
A Fun, Easy Way to Talk with Your Baby
Babies can communicate with their hands long before they can speak. Using American Sign Language (ASL)...