I have written this book to ?ll a void between theory and practice, a void that Iperceivedwhileconductingmyownresearchanddevelopmentofcomponents and instruments over the last ?ve years. In the chapters that follow I have pulled materials from the technical and patent literature that are relevant to the understanding and practice of polarization optics in telecommuni- tions, material that is often known by the respective experts in industry and academia but is rarely if ever found in one place. By bringing this material intoonemonograph, andbyapplyingasingleformalismthroughout, Ihopeto create...
I have written this book to ?ll a void between theory and practice, a void that Iperceivedwhileconductingmyownresearchanddevelopmentofcomponents and i...
I have written this book to ?ll a void between theory and practice, a void that Iperceivedwhileconductingmyownresearchanddevelopmentofcomponents and instruments over the last ?ve years. In the chapters that follow I have pulled materials from the technical and patent literature that are relevant to the understanding and practice of polarization optics in telecommuni- tions, material that is often known by the respective experts in industry and academia but is rarely if ever found in one place. By bringing this material intoonemonograph, andbyapplyingasingleformalismthroughout, Ihopeto create...
I have written this book to ?ll a void between theory and practice, a void that Iperceivedwhileconductingmyownresearchanddevelopmentofcomponents and i...