Staudinger A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition
Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development.
Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature.
One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically...
Staudinger A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition
Der Band enthalt eine geschlossene Darstellung des Verbraucherdarlehensvertrages und der ihm gleichgestellten Kreditformen nach der Integration des Verbraucherkreditgesetzes in das Burgerliche Gesetzbuch. Neben der Hervorhebung von Anderungen, die sich gegenuber der fruheren Gesetzeslage ergeben, berucksichtigt er die seit Erscheinen der 13. Bearbeitung 2001 ergangenen hochstrichterlichen Entscheidungen. Unbeschadet der wissenschaftlichen Durchdringung des Rechtsgebiets wird besonderer Wert auf die Aufbereitung praxisrelevanter Fragestellungen gelegt."
Der Band enthalt eine geschlossene Darstellung des Verbraucherdarlehensvertrages und der ihm gleichgestellten Kreditformen nach der Integration des Ve...
This commemorative publication is dedicated to Dieter Reuter on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It honors a scholar whose academic work covers an unusually wide range of issues and who shaped German private law, commercial law, company law, labor law, economic law and foundation and trust law during recent decades. His influence on law as an academic field and the practice of law has been significant. The volume also contains an index of publications by Dieter Reuter.
This commemorative publication is dedicated to Dieter Reuter on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It honors a scholar whose academic work covers a...
"Staudinger/Eckpfeiler des Zivilrechts" vermitteln genau das, was einen guten Juristen auszeichnet und was man sowohl im Examen als auch in der Praxis benotigt - nicht Detail-, sondern Grundlagenwissen, nicht Spezialkenntnisse, sondern Verstandnis fur das System als solches und damit Sicherheit fur die Fallbearbeitung.
"Staudinger/Eckpfeiler des Zivilrechts" vermitteln genau das, was einen guten Juristen auszeichnet und was man sowohl im Examen als auch in der Pra...
Staudinger A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition
Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development.
Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature.
One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically...
Staudinger A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition
Anlalich des 65. Geburtstages von Dieter Reuter fand ihm zu Ehren am 15. und 16. Oktober 2005 in Kiel ein rechtswissenschaftliches Kolloquium unter dem Titel "Formale Freiheitsethikoder materiale Verantwortungsethik" statt. Der vorliegende Band enthalt die vier Hauptvortrage sowie die Diskussionsberichte des Kolloquiums.
Anlalich des 65. Geburtstages von Dieter Reuter fand ihm zu Ehren am 15. und 16. Oktober 2005 in Kiel ein rechtswissenschaftliches Kolloquium unter de...
The Staudinger Cornerstones of Civil Law imparts precisely the knowledge that distinguishes a good attorney and that lawyers need to know for examinations and legal practice: not laborious details, but basic knowledge; not specialized information, but an understanding of the system of civil law as such thus assuring more confident case management."
The Staudinger Cornerstones of Civil Law imparts precisely the knowledge that distinguishes a good attorney and that lawyers need to know for examinat...
Staudinger A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition
Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development.
Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature.
One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically...
Staudinger A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition