This is an important book written by Pete Beck Jr. for the perilous times in which we Christians find ourselves. The maturing of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is what is happening and is absolutely paramount to the Holy Spirit. It will not happen without mature and spiritual leaders. He wants to make it a truly apostolic church going forward with apostolic doctrine to win the nations. Apostles in the other five-fold ministry gifts, prophets, evangelistics, pastors and teachers are being raised up as never before across the world. They are being raised up as a team. The Bible is clear...
This is an important book written by Pete Beck Jr. for the perilous times in which we Christians find ourselves. The maturing of the church of the Lor...
After many years of experience with churches, I observed that the maturing of the churches in general was being thwarted by the lack of genuine apostolic and five fold ministry. The book was written to illustrate the need for genuine fatherly leadership from the heart of maturity. Most books about apostolic leadership, although good and helpful, were more or less written from the point of view of application and performance of ministry rather than from the aspect of heart. Key editorial points are: Why we need leaders to be fathers. Why fathers should be honored and the results in the church...
After many years of experience with churches, I observed that the maturing of the churches in general was being thwarted by the lack of genuine aposto...