"Secrets, Mystical Adventures in Ancient China" is a magical journey of friendship, determination, and of course, secrets. Lee, pretending to be a boy for her own safety, is befriended by Old Woman. She is taught how to fight as a warrior and makes a lifelong friendship with a magical dragon named Chou who can change shape, spin webs, and fly With Chou and the emperor's son, Ti by her side, Lee can finally realize her destiny of ruling ancient China. First, however, they must learn how to fly a dragon, conquer pirates, discover lost treasure, and help the people of China fight the evil...
"Secrets, Mystical Adventures in Ancient China" is a magical journey of friendship, determination, and of course, secrets. Lee, pretending to be a boy...
"Secrets, Mystical Adventures in Ancient China" is a magical journey of friendship, determination, and of course, secrets. Lee, pretending to be a boy for her own safety, is befriended by Old Woman. She is taught how to fight as a warrior and makes a lifelong friendship with a magical dragon named Chou who can change shape, spin webs, and fly With Chou and the emperor's son, Ti by her side, Lee can finally realize her destiny of ruling ancient China. First, however, they must learn how to fly a dragon, conquer pirates, discover lost treasure, and help the people of China fight the evil...
"Secrets, Mystical Adventures in Ancient China" is a magical journey of friendship, determination, and of course, secrets. Lee, pretending to be a boy...