Emilia Lopez is my mother. She was born In Oaxaca, Mexico. My mom moved to California because she wanted to find a job and spend her life there having a husband and some children. She also wanted to have money for her family and rent a house to live in. My mom wanted to move to California because she wanted to know the city and attend adult school. Finally, she moved to California because she didn't want to ruin her life with no money so she decided to live in L.A and have a family and live Happily Ever After.
Emilia Lopez is my mother. She was born In Oaxaca, Mexico. My mom moved to California because she wanted to find a job and spend her life there having...
Si hicieramos una encuesta entre los entrenadores y directivos en los niveles infantil y juvenil sobre la manera como los padres participan en el desarrollo deportivo de sus hijos, los resultados expresarian un sentimiento de rechazo casi unanime. Circunstancia realmente sorprendente porque en la mayoria de los casos, quienes incorporan al jovencito al deporte son los padres, ellos son los proveedores de esa motivacion inicial y del soporte economico y emocional ante este nuevo mundo que se le abre al novicio. Tambien porque detras de casi todos los grandes atletas hay o hubo unos padres...
Si hicieramos una encuesta entre los entrenadores y directivos en los niveles infantil y juvenil sobre la manera como los padres participan en el desa...
50 family recipes of authentic Mexican cooking from Ricardo Lopez. "Authentic Mexican Cooking" features soups and entrees, including several traditional dishes, as well as offerings you may not have tried before. They all will delight the palate. Recipes are offered in English and Spanish.
50 family recipes of authentic Mexican cooking from Ricardo Lopez. "Authentic Mexican Cooking" features soups and entrees, including several tradition...