Researchers in management, industrial engineering, operations, and computer science have intensely studied scheduling for more than 50 years, resulting in an astounding body of knowledge in this field. Handbook of Scheduling: Algorithms, Models, and Performance Analysis, the first handbook on scheduling, provides full coverage of the most recent and advanced topics on the subject. It assembles researchers from all relevant disciplines in order to facilitate cross-fertilization and create new scheduling insights.
The book comprises six major parts, each of which breaks down into smaller...
Researchers in management, industrial engineering, operations, and computer science have intensely studied scheduling for more than 50 years, resultin...
Real-time and embedded systems are essential to our lives, from controlling car engines and regulating traffic lights to monitoring plane takeoffs and landings to providing up-to-the-minute stock quotes. Bringing together researchers from both academia and industry, the Handbook of Real-Time and Embedded Systems provides comprehensive coverage of the most advanced and timely topics in the field. The book focuses on several major areas of real-time and embedded systems. It examines real-time scheduling and resource management issues and explores the programming languages, paradigms,...
Real-time and embedded systems are essential to our lives, from controlling car engines and regulating traffic lights to monitoring plane takeoffs ...