"Rafting with Grandmother" is the adventure of a sixty-year-old grandmother and her two teen age granddaughters rafting for three hundred miles through the bottom of Grand Canyon. The nine days were filled with excitement as the altitude dropped two thousand feet. Each curve of the river brought new beauty and thrills. The history of the earth was spread out before their eyes.
Lessons were learned and they will never to be forgotten. Imagination was sharpened and the quest for more knowledge about the ancient people the Indians talked about will always be with us. Who were these people...
"Rafting with Grandmother" is the adventure of a sixty-year-old grandmother and her two teen age granddaughters rafting for three hundred miles throug...
The story of one Grandmother and her two Grandsons as they visit the tundra and see the polar bears and go dog sledding. The two mother-in-laws flying to the northwest with their son and daughter.
The story of one Grandmother and her two Grandsons as they visit the tundra and see the polar bears and go dog sledding. The two mother-in-laws flying...