Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics fills a niche in the market by providing a comprehensive introduction to a new, emerging topic in the field. The importance of non-equilibrium thermodynamics is addressed in order to fully understand how a system works, whether it is in a biological system like the brain or a system that develops plastic. In order to fully grasp the subject, the book clearly explains the physical concepts and mathematics involved, as well as presenting problems and solutions; over 200 exercises and answers are included. Engineers, scientists, and applied mathematicians can...
Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics fills a niche in the market by providing a comprehensive introduction to a new, emerging topic in the field. The imp...
A SPECTER is haunting the scientific world-the specter of com puters. All the powers of traditional science have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter: puristic theoreticians and tradition alistic experimentalists, editors and referees of prestigious journals, philosophers of science and mathematicians. Where is a pioneering computer simulation that has not been decried as unreliable by its opponents in power? The Computer Manifesto As a result of the enormous progress in computer technology made during the last few decades, computer simulations have become a very powerful and...
A SPECTER is haunting the scientific world-the specter of com puters. All the powers of traditional science have entered into a holy alliance to exorc...