This exciting collection looks at the theory and practice of legal borrowing and adaptation in different areas of the world: Europe, the USA and Latin America, S.E. Asia and Japan. Many of the contributors focus on fundamental theoretical issues. What are legal transplants? What is the role of the state in producing socio-legal change? What are the conditions of successful legal transfers? How is globalization changing these conditions? Such problems are also discussed with reference to substantive and specific case studies. When and why did Japanese rules of product liability come into line...
This exciting collection looks at the theory and practice of legal borrowing and adaptation in different areas of the world: Europe, the USA and Latin...
This exciting collection looks at the theory and practice of legal borrowing and adaptation in different areas of the world: Europe, the USA and Latin America, S.E. Asia and Japan. Many of the contributors focus on fundamental theoretical issues. What are legal transplants? What is the role of the state in producing socio-legal change? What are the conditions of successful legal transfers? How is globalization changing these conditions? Such problems are also discussed with reference to substantive and specific case studies. When and why did Japanese rules of product liability come into line...
This exciting collection looks at the theory and practice of legal borrowing and adaptation in different areas of the world: Europe, the USA and Latin...
Die Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, wie effektiv der gerichtliche Rechtsschutz fur Strafgefangene ist. Mittels quantitativer und qualitativer Analyse werden exemplarisch die Hindernisse fur einen effektiven Rechtsschutz in totalen Institutionen aufgezeigt und vor allem die behordlichen Strategien der Behinderung und Verhinderung von Gefangenenbeschwerden dargestellt. Die Untersuchung schliesst mit kriminalpolitischen Vorschlagen zur Verbesserung der negativen Rechtsschutzbilanz."
Die Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, wie effektiv der gerichtliche Rechtsschutz fur Strafgefangene ist. Mittels quantitativer und qualitativer Analys...