Que fait l eleve quand on lui demande de justifier ses propos en classe de mathematique? Cet ouvrage, une these au sens fort du terme, offre une reconstitution tout a fait originale des moyens d expression mobilises par l eleve en situation de validation. A travers une analyse qualitative illustree d exemples authentiques, le talent createur des eleves face aux difficultes rencontrees dans la solution de problemes est mis en evidence. Fonde sur des reperes epistemologiques, didactiques et semiotiques, le texte aborde les differentes strategies de preuve utilisees par les eleves: role du...
Que fait l eleve quand on lui demande de justifier ses propos en classe de mathematique? Cet ouvrage, une these au sens fort du terme, offre une recon...
In this context, research on the teaching and learning of geometry will continue to be a key element on the research agendas of mathematics educators, as researchers continue to look for ways to enhance student learning and to understand student thinking and teachers' decision making.
In this context, research on the teaching and learning of geometry will continue to be a key element on the research agendas of mathematics educators,...
This book highlights the contribution of artificial intelligence for mathematics education. It provides concrete ideas supported by mathematical work obtained through dynamic international collaboration, and discusses the flourishing of new mathematics in the contemporary world from a sustainable development perspective.Over the past thirty years, artificial intelligence has gradually infiltrated all facets of society. When it is deployed in interaction with the human designer or user, AI certainly raises new ethical questions. But as soon as it aims to augment intelligence in a kind of...
This book highlights the contribution of artificial intelligence for mathematics education. It provides concrete ideas supported by mathematical wor...